Thursday, August 9, 2012

No Pressure

It seems that the way that I'll get more written, is to not worry about writing. It might seem backwards to some, but to others, it will make sense (I hope).

If I LET myself write instead of MAKING myself write, then I might make more progress. It seems to me that this stems from my stubbornness and enjoyment of contradiction. I even rebel against goals that I set for myself.

This is clearly an unhealthy way to go about life. And I just put the pieces together. SO SMART.

Maybe the reason I haven't done anything productive with my life lately is that I am being forced to do them, instead of viewing them instead as a pleasure or something to look forward to.

Things I'd like to do before the weekend starts:
1. At least two loads of laundry
2. Clean closet
3. Go grocery shopping for anniversary dinner
4. Stamp dinner placemats

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Clearly I fail

Didn't write a single entry in June. Way to go me.

This is a deep disappointment to me. I truly wanted to refresh my commitment to writing. I don't know what it will take for me to change and start to write again.

I have absolutely no motivation to make this change.

I know that I should make an honest effort to start writing again. But it's been two years since I've been in school. And I'm terrified that I've lost all my writing mojo, and did I even have any to begin with?

We'll just have to wait and see.